Nephsystem RFID asset management system significantly reduces the time for employees to track missing or misplaced equipment. Improve the assets maintenance to ensure that important daily maintenance procedures (such as...
2022 / 04 / 09 Views: 683
NephSystem Technologies' Personnel & Object Real Time Tracking|Monitoring system is a total solution that is able to provide precise locating info to track personnel (or any other assets) in real time. It is used to...
2022 / 04 / 09 Views: 719
Recently, we got some inquiries of RFID readers and RFID tracking system from clients. Below is the details: 1. Do you have an wired or headphone jack RFID readers for iPad? 2. Searching for an active RFID system...
2021 / 07 / 07 Views: 1472
Recently, we got some inquiries of RFID tracking and RFID parking from Columbus clients. Below is the details: 1. Could you contact me on Monday to discuss personnel tracking systems? 2. Sports Application use...
2021 / 06 / 07 Views: 1559
Recently, we got some inquiries of RFID access control and RFID readers from clients. Below is the details: 1. We have an application where we want to grant access to a 3 sites from incoming vehicules. Truck must be...
2021 / 05 / 08 Views: 1188
Nephsystem Technologies is the leading supplier in the fields of RFID, Smart Tracking Systems and Industrial PDAs. We manufacture and distribute a wide variety of industrial embedded products, Wireless communication...
2020 / 11 / 16 Views: 1684
Nephsystem Technologies is the leading supplier in the fields of RFID, Smart Tracking Systems and Industrial PDAs. We manufacture and distribute a wide variety of industrial embedded products, Wireless communication...
2020 / 07 / 19 Views: 1900
Here are the general quotes of RFID solution from clients. They are interested in RFID scanner, RFID seals. What do you need? 1. Looking for a rfid solution for document mamagement 2. Good day, We are looking for a...
2020 / 04 / 29 Views: 1602
Recently, we got some quotes of Long Distance RFID Reader and Active RFID Reader from clients. Below is the details: 1. Interested in learning more about the 130cm Long Distance RFID reader and software for...
2020 / 03 / 10 Views: 1497
Radio Frequency Identification or RFID, being an advanced and amazing automated capture technology that has been a major plunge in many industries as it consents to users to make out multiple articles simultaneously...
2020 / 02 / 10 Views: 1836