860-960MHz UHF Gen 2 RFID, 1D/2D Barcode and Bluetooth 4.0 BLE
860~960MHz UHF Gen 2 or 13.56MHz, HID profile, Plug and Play RFID Scanner
860~960MHz Bluetooth | USB UHF Gen 2 or 13.56MHz ISO15693 Reader|Writer, HID profile
NephSystem N280 All in One design Barcode/RFID/LTE Android Based Rugged Tablet
NephSystem NSAR-810 2.45GHz Active RFID Android Rugged Tablet
N390 860MHz~960MHz iRF Pixie iOS Android RFID Dongle
860~960MHz Bluetooth | USB UHF Gen 2 Reader|Writer
13.56MHz (HF) Bluetooth USB featured Handheld RFID device