Here are the general quotes of RFID solution from clients. They are interested in RFID scanner, RFID seals. What do you need? 1. Looking for a rfid solution for document mamagement 2. Good day, We are looking for a...
2020 / 04 / 29 Views: 1653
Recently, we got some quotes of Long Distance RFID Reader and Active RFID Reader from clients. Below is the details: 1. Interested in learning more about the 130cm Long Distance RFID reader and software for...
2020 / 03 / 10 Views: 1547
Radio Frequency Identification or RFID, being an advanced and amazing automated capture technology that has been a major plunge in many industries as it consents to users to make out multiple articles simultaneously...
2020 / 02 / 10 Views: 1896
Recently, we got some inquiries of RFID access control and system from clients. Below is the details: 1. We looking for a solution to integrate with our visitors management system and assets management system. 2. I...
2020 / 01 / 06 Views: 1560
Recently, we got some inquiries of RFID access control and tracking from UAE clients. Below is the details: 1. Hi, We have a requirement to monitor visitors in real time inside the premises and also provide them...
2019 / 12 / 12 Views: 1571
At present, most people are started using smart devices like smart tracking, wireless communication devices, RFID featured devices and other techie devices. Although, there are several high tech devices available for...
2019 / 12 / 04 Views: 1725
Here are the quotes of long range rfid reader, RFID tag from our clients. Below is the details: 1. Hi, I'm interested in your long range RFID reader. 1. How much for each tag and the reader? 2. How many grams does the...
2019 / 11 / 18 Views: 1362
RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. It is nothing but data collection technology which is similar to bar codes. But instead of scanning a bar code, RFID uses radio frequency communication to gather...
2019 / 11 / 11 Views: 1679
RFID is the most demanded application for everyone to track and monitor the activity. For this purpose, the people want to use the best device to track and monitor each and every movement. RFID People Tracking is best...
2019 / 11 / 11 Views: 1438
RFID parking solutions are specially designed to control the entrance as well as exit gates of parking facilities within a read range distance and speed. Some RFID parking systems implement single gate readers while...
2019 / 10 / 31 Views: 1628