Recently, we got some inquiries of RFID tag and RFID access control from clients. Below is the details: 1. Hello we are interested in your rfid tag with buzzer. We want to track around 500 to 1000...
2019 / 10 / 14 Views: 1178
RFID parking solutions are specially designed to control the entrance as well as exit gates of parking facilities within a read range distance and speed. Some RFID parking systems implement single gate readers while...
2019 / 09 / 18 Views: 1454
Have you ever heard of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system? Well, it is the wireless non-contact access of radio frequency waves in order to transfer data. With the RFID tags, users can find and track assets...
2019 / 08 / 16 Views: 1881
In the advent of technology, many people are operating various tracking systems on their device. Rfid tags are used for operating security system, control system, and another tracking system. More than thousands of...
2019 / 07 / 03 Views: 1709
Recently, we got some inquiries of tracking system from clients. Below is the details: 1. I am interested in more info on your Neph product. please call me. 2. Want to find out info and cost related to using...
2019 / 04 / 17 Views: 1868
The active RFID readers are usually works with sensors which is powered with battery. It is operated continuously and transmits data to the reading device. It is operated with antenna, tags and reader. The active RFID...
2019 / 03 / 13 Views: 1998
At the present time, generally, attendance system in schools, colleges, etc is based on paper. So sometimes this procedure causes mistakes and also time taking process. Nephsystem RFID Student attendance...
2019 / 02 / 25 Views: 2083
Recently, we do receive quite a few inquiries from various clients who are looking for RFID products like active RFID tags, passive RFID tags, long range RFID reader. 1. I have project I am working on, I am...
2019 / 02 / 15 Views: 1737
Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is the developed technology that helps to read or to collect the data in the electronic products. RFID reader includes advanced technology which allows tracking more than...
2018 / 12 / 17 Views: 1891
Mobile phones are dominating source of world today and it has plenty of options along with enterprise applications to simplify most of works within your fingertips. The bluetooth rfid reader option is a trendy one which...
2018 / 11 / 22 Views: 1950